Please note you are currently not able to book appointments online meaning the ‘book appointment’ option on our homepage will currently not be working. Please read below to find out how to book appointments for our different clinical groups.
As most of you will be aware, we are currently still working under local and national advice to consult digitally first where possible via online, telephone and video consultations. We are therefore continuing to operate on a ‘triage first’ basis with the Doctors, meaning patients need to call ‘on the day’ for a same day telephone appointment with a GP. This is allowing us to ensure we are keeping both patients and staff safe by not allowing too many patients into the building, and to minimise footfall through the practice. If following an online, telephone or video call the Doctor needs to see you in person, you will be given a face-to-face appointment. We therefore ask you continue to be patient with us; we are doing our best to ensure all patients are getting the best and most appropriate care.
GP and Clinical Pharmacist Appointments
All consultations with Doctors and our Clinical Pharmacist will initially be carried out by telephone and can only be booked on the day. Please call reception as early in the day as you can if you require a telephone appointment. We will still offer Duty Doctor appointments for urgent matters each weekday, so you can access the help you need for urgent on-the-day issues, even if all routine calls are booked.
When you call, our receptionists will ask for a brief indication of your problem so that the Clinician will have an understanding of what you need before they call you back. It also helps us to prioritise those with the most urgent need. You do not have to give this information if you would prefer not to.
The clinician will call you back for a telephone consultation at some point during the day. For this reason, please make sure that you give us a contact number where we can reach you. If the clinician you speak to decides that you should have a face-to-face consultation, they will book the appointment for you to be seen. For urgent Home Visit requests, please call as early as possible on the day.
Nurse, Healthcare Assistant and Phlebotomist Appointments
Please contact reception to book. Most of these appointments are face-to-face, but you may be offered a telephone call for some minor illnesses, follow up appointments, and interim reviews.
Extended Access Appointments (currently paused due to coronavirus)
Extended access is the offer, to registered patients of a practice, of pre-bookable appointments outside of core contractual hours, either in the early morning, evening or at weekends. This service allows patients to be offered an appointment at a nearby practice with a local GP or nurse who has access to their medical records. This provides more appointments for patients during the day, the evenings, and at weekends whilst relieving GP practices of some of the pressure of providing treatment for minor illnesses.
Patients may be offered an extended access appointment at Clifton Hampden Surgery, Berinsfield Surgery, Long Furlong Medical Practice or Marcham Road Health Centre. The reception team will discuss this with you before booking.
Cancelling an appointment
If you cannot attend, please call us to cancel as soon as possible so that the appointment can be offered to someone else. You can do so by calling us, or if you are registered with online services, you can cancel online.